Tuesday, July 15, 2008

some insight into the creation of "nicknames"

Well, before my rampant mind decides to seize complete control and I lose the power of censoring my rambling thoughts, I thought it would be best for me to begin by explaining my pen name. Airbag was a nickname given to me by my ever-so-gracious uncles, when after 13 years, they realized that my initials were an acronym found in every single vehicular machine. I find it safe to assume that my parents were unaware of my initials outstanding status in the automobile industry when they were bickering about baby names with the least my-kid-will-be-tormented-throughout-their-entire-childhood-and-well-into-adulthood potential. So needless to say, they choose Susan Rachel S[....]. (Yes, growing up, I was completely ignorant to the fact that my name is from two generations ago, and that every girl my age was named Jennifer or Jessica, NOT Susan (unique, but I have so come to own my dated yet somewhat classy name!). Getting back to my forced nickname, in case none of you have guessed it yet, SRS serves two purposes. 1) It functions as my initials until legal matrimony (unless my future prince charming has a last name starting with S). And 2) Those letters also function as the proper name given to car airbags. Yes, I was unassumingly named after those handy dandy Safety Restraint Systems that deploy the airbags in the event of an accident (or if one is playing with her new mixed CD and (oops) needs to stop short before running over a helpless 2nd grader in an annoyingly long school zone). After most of my childhood had past (thank goodness), my uncles caught on to my initials true status and hence, the nickname "airbag" was born, along with a string of one liners concerning the state of my intelligence as airbag slowly morphed into "airhead." The one good thing that came out of this: whenever someone called shotgun, I would respond that my name was in fact, written on the seat, so there!.

Well, seeing as how this is my very first of many stories, I would appreciate any comments, criticisms, or advice. (Just a friendly warning: I cannot be held responsible for how I take any "constructive criticism"). Oh, and if you have any interesting nicknames, I'd love to hear from you! I hope you all enjoyed the first little tidbit of the infamous talking airbag (idea: airbags that spoke? could possibly be beneficial to the morons who put their 2 year olds in the front passenger seats?) Please stay tuned for more!


Erica said...

Thanks for the comment! It's funny, since reading her last book - I have thought more about and actually was ALSO inspired to start another more write-y blog. (That, and an article in Oprah - but that's just too embarrassing to think about.) Can't wait to follow yours as well!

Anonymous said...

I saw your comment over on kzb - England. You mention reading while on the loo, actually its quite right to keep the visits short. The Arabs have the right idea. kllrchrd.

Ladies who Brunch said...

I just like calling you 'EF', if only I had known about airbag...

Kathz said...

I wish I had an interesting nickname to share but my parents called me by my given name and it stuck - rather boringly. My children have nicknames but it wouldn't be right to share them.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

o hate the loo, its smelly and who the hell is KZB!!!